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Abandoned Vehicles on Private Land

Can a Residents Management Company, Freeholder or Managing Agent remove an abandoned Vehicle?

No, under the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 only Authorised Bodies can move a motor vehicle on Private Land.  

In the period before 2012, abandoned vehicles could be moved by the Land Owner providing certain conditions were met.


Who has the Authority to Remove Vehicles?

  • Police
  • Local Authority
  • Traffic Warden


What Laws cover Abandoned Vehicles?

  • Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
  • Protection of Freedoms Act 2012
  • The Removal and Disposal of Vehicles Regulations 1986


Checklist to see if Vehicles are Abandoned

Has the vehicle not been moved in 3-4 weeks?   Yes / No

Does the vehicle have a missing number plate?   Yes / No

Does the vehicle have 2 or more flat tyres or wheels missing? Yes / No

Are the windscreen or windows broken? Yes / No

Are the doors or bonnet left open? Yes / No

Does the vehicle have visible internal damage or vandalism? Yes / No

Is the car covered in mould or rust? Yes / No

Are there litter and weeds under vehicle? Yes / No


Red Brick would deem that if 4  or more of the above answer are YES, then the vehicle is Abandoned, the Local Authority may have more or less requirements than Red Brick.


Our Process for removing an Abandoned Vehicle:-

  1. Follow Checklist to see if the vehicle is classed as abandoned.
  2. Place a completed Abandoned Vehicle Notice on all 4 sides of the vehicle
  3. Photograph vehicle with notices and items in the checklist.
  4. Obtain a DVLA Search of the Registered Keeper.
  5. Write to legal Registered Keeper giving 21 days’ notice to remove the vehicle.
  6. Contact to Local Authority / Police to remove the vehicle and pass them our file (Checklist, photos and Correspondence to Registered Keeper)
  7. If Local Authority or Police will not remove vehicle then ask affected leaseholder/resident to complain to Local Member of Parliament and Local Authority.


Please Note:

  • Should the client choose to remove the vehicle themselves it will be at their own risk.
  • Removed vehicles should be stored for a minimum of 28 days.
  • Any monetary value of the vehicle if sold or scrapped after the expired storage time should be returned to the Registered Keeper.

To learn more about this or any other aspect of property management in London or further afield, please get in touch with the Red Brick Management team today.

Free Quotation

Just wanted to say a big thank you to all at Red Brick Management, not only have you been first class in understanding our needs you've also been a pleasure to work with.
Chessington Mansions
We Directors sat and had a meeting about the development last night and the guys are extremely happy with how Red Brick are managing the development. In particular, the lowering of service charges and quick response times which were the two issues we had with our former managing agent!
Tallis Court
Well done that is a great result and sets a precedent for any further monies that may be due. thank you very much indeed for a great job on our behalf.
Mornington and Silverthorne Lodge
We were unimpressed with our previous management company and decided to give Red Brick a trial period with strict targets to meet - relating to response times, costings, and general maintenance of the development of 238 apartments.
Monument Court

If you wish for more information on Red Brick Management, then please get in contact

Email: [email protected] Tel: 01438 303333